13 Jul
15 Jun

Trip Advisor―An Unofficial Guide to Effective Travel Marketing

  My husband and I recently took a road trip to my home state of Minnesota to visit family and friends, covering five states and logging just under 2,000 miles in seven days. Along the way I was struck by how effectively relatively simple marketing grabbed my attention as co-pilot, from interesting roadside signage and […]

1 Jun

Digital Marketing KPIs Your Business Should be Tracking

  In today’s day and age, there are many ways to measure success. Accurately measuring success is something that can make or break a company. Digital marketing has become an essential means for businesses to target their audiences, boost awareness and drive sales. The digital marketing sector offers endless ways to be successful while thinking […]

16 May

Tips to Prepare for Disruption

In the business world, “disruptors” are innovators who are applauded for their visionary thinking. In real life, disruption is downright annoying, or even devastating as it has been for our Kentucky neighbors and many other Americans due to recent natural disasters. However, it’s something all business development professionals need to plan for as we’re developing […]

24 Apr

Evergreen Lessons from Always-Changing Tech

From innumerable gifs suddenly dancing across the screen to the black background contrasted wildly with the neon-colored text, Myspace used to be cool. While I am by no means saying to model your website after Myspace (I said “used to be cool”), many lessons stand to be learned from the storied evolution of web design […]

12 Apr

Craft Your Media Pitches With a Journalist’s Mindset

  Earning media coverage is among the top goals of any good public relations professional. But getting a news outlet to cover your story is far easier said than done.   I should know. As a former newspaper reporter, I’ve probably received hundreds, if not thousands, of media pitches in my career. I can say with […]

22 Mar
22 Feb
20 Jan

Could You be Missing Out on Your Real Target Audience? Here’s what to do about it

By Emily Rogers, Digital Account Executive   We all know the marketing buzzwords and phrases such as “target market,” “demographic” and “know your audience.” But when it comes to a marketing strategy, it’s easy to assume that you had your audience figured out a long time ago. In fact, businesses usually begin with a specific […]

30 Nov

Social Media Changes You Need to Know (Hint: Video is Taking Over)

Victoria Knepp, Consultant   Recently, the Rasor team got an email from Lynn Corbitt about another – yes another – Facebook algorithm update. Three things: One, Lynn is awesome. She keeps us all up to date on the latest industry and client news. In case you’re wondering, she’s also kind, funny, and super cool. (Go […]