Category Archives: Business

18 Jul

Making Connections – Networking for Introverts

By Elyn Buscani, Business Development/Account Manager Whether you’re heading to an office party or a professional event, I’m here to reduce your social stress level. As our team’s most extroverted member (verified in our recent DiSC assessments), I was in my happy place at the Northern Kentucky Chamber’s Women’s Initiative Summit in November, 2023 . It […]

20 Sep

Five Marketing Déjà vu Moments I Had While Buying a New Home

  I recently bought a new home (yay!) and sold my first home (*insert mixed emotions emoji here). It’s been incredibly exciting, but also insanely overwhelming. In case you didn’t know, the real estate market is WILD right now. It is for sure a seller’s market, and let’s just not have a conversation about those […]

18 Aug
1 Aug

Five Questions to Ask When Planning Your Next Event

Think about the last time you went to an event. You likely walked in knowing what to expect out of it. You maybe had a nametag, a seating assignment, and an agenda. You probably knew who else was going to be there. Maybe there was live music, signature cocktails, or finessed presentations. It felt easy, […]

1 Jun

Digital Marketing KPIs Your Business Should be Tracking

  In today’s day and age, there are many ways to measure success. Accurately measuring success is something that can make or break a company. Digital marketing has become an essential means for businesses to target their audiences, boost awareness and drive sales. The digital marketing sector offers endless ways to be successful while thinking […]

13 Oct

Three Questions to Ask in Every Content-Generating Interview

By Lynn Corbitt, Account Executive   Whether you’re writing web copy, a blog, a press release or some other type of content, chances are high that you, personally, won’t have all the knowledge needed for the piece. Maybe you’re writing a press release for a client, like I’ve done plenty of times here at Rasor. […]

20 Jul

The All-Too-Often Talked About Company Culture: An Unofficial Thank You Letter To My Team

By Victoria Knepp, Consultant   Recently I was doing research for a client about company culture. Here’s what I found. This time last year, Gallup reported: 48% of U.S. employees were actively job searching. 74% of employees said they experienced burnout on the job at least “sometimes.” This year, Gallup reports: Fewer than 1 in […]

2 Jun

Focus on the Long-Term: 3 Easy Tips to Get Out of the Grips of Short-Term Distractions

By Elyn Buscani, Account Manager In February, our entire agency did something rarely found these days: we spent most of a day in-person, working on long-term strategic planning. (To illustrate the difficulty in focusing on the long-term, a spike in COVID-19 positivity rates pushed this event a month later than intended.) If you’ve also been […]

18 Nov

How Hard Can It Be to Give $2 Million Away During a Pandemic?

By Elyn Buscani, Business Development When Mason City Council approved a $2 million small business stimulus package, Rasor got a dream project. We had the opportunity to help our longtime client, the City of Mason, distribute much-needed money to support small businesses during the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Who wouldn’t want this […]

13 Aug

How to Use Instagram Stories to Engage Your Audience

By Libby Hagedon, Account Executive Who would have thought that disappearing video would be one of our favorite ways to share our lives on social media? Instagram Stories — 15-second videos, photos or text that disappear after 24 hours — are shared by 500 million users every day. Instagram is a great way for small […]