13 Feb

3 Benefits to Using Video on Facebook

By Jimmy Caccamo, Account Associate Some say Facebook is dying while others say it is stronger than ever. One thing we know at Rasor Marketing Communications is that the content is what’s important. A picture is better than words, and a video is better than a picture. Facebook recently updated its video feature and every […]

5 Feb

15 Words People Like… And a Few They Don’t (hint: one of the biggest offenders rhymes with “joist”)

By: Libby Esterle, Senior Account Executive As a member of a Cincinnati-based marketing and communications agency, words are a big part of my life. Given this, over the years, I’ve come to favor some words over others. Same goes for names. In fact, one of the reasons I became an Esterle is because I saw […]

29 Jan

10 Reasons Why Restaurants Should be on Pinterest

Jimmy Caccamo, Account Associate Today’s smart phone and tablet technology is growing quickly. We are in an age where personal consumer time is directed toward tablet and mobile-friendly devices and websites easily accesible on those devices. Pinterest  raised $225 million more from investors in 2013. Pinterest will invest some of this capital into their core, […]

14 Jan

A Mistake I Made in My New Year’s Resolutions

By: Kaity Dunn, Account Associate I was thinking about the recent blog post I wrote (link to post) which listed my resolutions for 2014, and it dawned on me that the post is incomplete. It’s just a list of goals, which is a good starting point, but there are a few more steps involved in […]

8 Jan
31 Dec

Beach Legs or Hot Dogs? The Best Viral Social Media of 2013

Kasi Kinnett, Intern As the year comes to an end, we take a look at some of the most popular social media apps, terms, songs and videos of 2013. The Harlem Shake “The Harlem Shake” is a catchy tune, and the song started a phenomenon with dance videos made by everyday people, featuring one person […]

19 Dec

3 Tips to Get People to Come to Your Event

By Erika Turan, Senior Account Executive Some events are easy to get people to come to: wedding receptions (especially those with an open bar), NASCAR races (fast cars and highly-individualized fashion choices) and the running of the bulls in Pamplona (Voluntarily running for your life in super crowded streets? I honestly don’t know why people […]

10 Dec
10 Dec

Hot Dogs in Your Pizza Crust, Anyone?

Hot Dogs in Your Pizza Crust, Anyone? My fascination with Pizza Hut runs long and deep. It started when I was a kid, and Friday night family outings were elevated to another level when we went to Pizza Hut, had a Supreme Pan Pizza, a pitcher of Diet Pepsi and permission to insert as many […]

3 Dec


By Erika Turan, APR, Senior Account Executive I went to the New Kids on the Block concert a few weeks ago, I confess, somewhat sheepishly. And you know what? It was a blast. Like ‘em or not, Joey, Donnie, Jordan, Jonathan and Danny can sing and dance pretty darn well. There were pyrotechnics, the stage […]