Tag Archives: Public Relations

5 Nov

Four Things to Consider When Timing Your Media Pitch

By: Kaity Dunn, Account Associate I recently had a meeting about ongoing public relations efforts for a Cincinnati client of ours with my colleague, Betty Hull. A large portion of our meeting involved discussing the best approach for timing media pitches near the large calendars she had drawn on the whiteboard that depicted the remaining […]

13 Sep

Distributing a Press Release? Prep the Follow-up Calls!

By Kaity Dunn, Account Associate One non-negotiable tactic to implement if you work in a Cincinnati public relations agency is to make follow-up calls after sending a press release. I have been surprised to hear some professionals speak as though this practice is optional. Though some refer to follow-up calls as an extra additional service […]

5 Sep
29 Aug
21 Aug

Things I Can’t Live Without…and You Need Them Too! Part Two

By Becky Fickenworth, APR Counselor and Project Manager I’m not what you’d consider an early adopter. You won’t find me camping out in line for the latest iPhone, saving my money to buy the latest fashion trend and I don’t think twice about buying used books or used cars. Not because I’m “afraid” of the […]

8 Aug

The Difference Between Public Relations and Marketing

Kaity Dunn Account Associate Often when I’m spreading the word at networking events about RMC capabilities as a Cincinnati public relations agency, I receive confused looks when I explain that I work in public relations. One person I met recently responded with, “Public relations? Isn’t that just emailing?” Unfortunately he asked me this just as […]

1 Aug
30 Jul
9 Jul

Are you cultivating resilience?

Erika Turan, APR Senior Account Executive   Are you cultivating resilience? Kanye West would tell you “that that that that don’t kill you, will only make you stronger”   Employers typically work hard to create an engaged workforce, with focus on creating cultures that reward hard work and mining enthusiasm for the work that needs […]

2 Jul

When Sexy is Funny, Good Things Happen

By Erika Turan, APR Senior Account Executive When did “sex sells” become the mantra for advertising? I can’t prove it, but I think I can make a convincing argument that there are some Egyptian hieroglyphics out there of a voluptuous young woman who wants to sell cat embalming for your personal tomb. Whenever it started, […]