5 Sep

When Words Aren’t Enough

By Kaity Dunn

Account Associate

I send and receive emails all day. It’s part of the nature of my job as an account associate at this Cincinnati public relations agency. Sometimes when I’m getting swept up in checking things off my list, my emails become more formal, and less “Kaity” when I’m sending messages to my colleagues. I’ve learned from two people at RMC how refreshing it can be to switch it up in emails sometimes.

One day in particular I found a document Erika Turan needed and emailed it to her. Because we were both so busy that day, I expected a “Thanks.” at most, or a “Got it.” Instead she sent me an email with only this photo in the body.

When Words Aren't Enough | Rasor Marketing Communications | Cincinnati Marketing and Public Relations Agency

Somehow I knew exactly what she meant.

Another example of awesome emailing came from Libby Hagedon. To express her excitement over increasing the social media presence for one of our clients, FlipDaddy’s, Libby sent this gif of Kermit the Frog flailing excitedly to fully articulate her feelings about the success.

When Words Aren't Enough | Rasor Marketing Communications | Cincinnati Marketing and Public Relations Agency


What about you? What photos, gifs or emoticons do you use in your emails when words just aren’t enough?

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