Tag Archives: Communications

13 Aug
9 May

The Name Game

By Libby Esterle Senior Account Executive Definition of GENERIC- from Merriam-Webster 1 a : relating to or characteristic of a whole group or class :general b : being or having a nonproprietary name <generic drugs> c : having no particularly distinctive quality or application<generic restaurants> 2 : relating to or having the rank of a biological genus — ge·ner·i·cal·ly  adverb — ge·ner·ic·ness noun As I sat down with my coffee the other […]

26 Mar

Why You Need a Great Marketing Communications Agency

By Erika Turan, APR Senior Account Executive There are at least a hundred good reasons to think about hiring a marketing communications agency. Here are a few reasons to think about hiring a great marketing communications agency. 1.     Because they can provide an outside perspective. Before working in an agency, I spent 15 years in […]

17 Jan

3 things your marketing communications agency isn’t telling you

By Erika Turan Senior Account Executive For 15 years, I worked in corporate public relations and marketing departments. Some were big, some were small. But they gave me a unique perspective now that I work on the other side of the coin in a marketing agency. So as someone who was once in your shoes, […]