Category Archives: Social Media

24 Sep

The Facebook Improvements that Should Exist

Mashable’s article about Facebook features that should exist (such as an explanation with a relationship status change) got me thinking about notifications that I would like to see on Facebook: 1. If someone is posting a cryptic status update fishing for attention and responses, they should be required to show up in a different color […]

30 Jun

You’re Not Just a Consumer Anymore, You’re a Friend

By Victoria Knepp, Account Associate When scrolling through your Facebook newsfeed you’re probably liking, commenting, posting and interacting with your friends…unless you’re stalking, in which case I promise I won’t judge. But if you pay close attention, not to the person you’re Facebook stalking, but to the person with whom you’re interacting, chances are you’ve […]

23 Apr

The Art of Marketing in 140 Characters or Less

By Kasi Detmer, Account Associate I often find myself grumbling when writing tweets for marketing clients when I’m one character over the 140 limit. “But I NEED that hashtag, I NEED that word.” The character limit is what makes Twitter so amazing and so frustrating. Lately I’ve been fascinated by short stories that meet the […]

26 Mar
29 Jan

How a Hashtag Deflated the New England Patriots’ Bill Belichick

By Kaity Dunn, Account Executive I don’t follow professional sports very closely, but this recent ABC News headline caught my attention: “#Flexball: The Unfortunate Hashtag That Appeared Behind Bill Belichick” In this article, the reporter writes that during a recent press conference, the New England Patriot’s head coach Bill Belichick was trying to address accusations […]

21 Jan

Searching Facebook

By Kasi Detmer, Account Associate Finally! Facebook has enabled the search bar with the ability to search for past posts. No more scrolling back through every single one of the last year’s posts, or trying to remember which album you saved a picture to while waiting for the 600 pictures to load so that you […]

30 Dec
13 Aug

6 Possible Social Media Goals That Will Guide Your Content Creation

By: Kaity Dunn, Account Associate Working for a Cincinnati marketing communications and PR agency means we have to keep our social media content strategies fresh and focused. The best way to decide what type of content to post to your social media channels is to first ask yourself and your company leadership this question: What […]

24 Jul

Losing (P)interest

By: Libby Esterle, Senior Account Executive I am organized to the point of being neurotic. I love my binders full of decorating ideas, paint swatches and fabric samples. I have images of beautifully set tables that I reference when entertaining and I even created a recipe book using a photo album so I can easily […]

26 Jun

The Myth of “Likes” and “Follows” and Other New Insights

By: Kasi Detmer, Account Associate As Cincinnati marketing professionals, we like to stay informed of new studies relating to our field. A new study by 140 Proof and digital think tank IPG Media is now offering new insight into the way that social media users interact with brands on these platforms. The main takeaway of […]