Category Archives: Marketing

10 Feb
23 Dec

Going Viral

By Abby Brown, Creative Associate Oh, the viral video. So simple, so…well, unpredictable. This new form of media, mysterious to many, has become a primary method for brands to communicate to a large audience. Ad Age recently released a list of The 20 Most Viral Ads of 2015, and the article made me question, what […]

9 Dec

Your Fruit Punch Has a Face, Bread Dough Can Giggle and Your Appliances are Actually People

By Victoria Knepp, Account Associate Did that title sound weird to you? Well, it should. If I said Kool-Aid, Pillsbury and Maytag, would that make a little more sense? Make the connection? That right there folks, is the brilliance of brand personification. I’m sure by now you’ve seen the Maytag Man campaign, and if you […]

25 Nov

Are Christmas Ads Taking an Untraditional Turn?

By Abby Brown, Creative Associate You’ve barely digested all that Halloween candy when you start to see the signs. The decorations already line every retail store in America. The music starts infiltrating your favorite radio station. Your eggnog-loving friend is already getting jolly. Slowly you realize, despite the fact that it’s still early November, Christmas […]

13 Aug
30 Jun

You’re Not Just a Consumer Anymore, You’re a Friend

By Victoria Knepp, Account Associate When scrolling through your Facebook newsfeed you’re probably liking, commenting, posting and interacting with your friends…unless you’re stalking, in which case I promise I won’t judge. But if you pay close attention, not to the person you’re Facebook stalking, but to the person with whom you’re interacting, chances are you’ve […]

19 May

How One Plumbing Company is Maintaining Top-of-Mind Awareness

By Erika Turan, APR, Senior Account Executive Just about every month for the past couple of years, I’ve received an unassuming-looking envelope in the mail from a local plumbing company. Contained within isn’t a flashy card about fast service or expertise. There’s no coupon for a discount. In fact, there’s usually not a single mention […]

9 Apr

Huffington Post A Brand Divided or Brilliant Strategy

By Jimmy Caccamo, Account Associate On February 18, Huffington Post unleashed its new political satire show, “The HuffPost Show,” onto the world. While I’m sure the Huffington Post found only the best comics, writers and hosts to build this, I can only wonder whether their strategic move will hurt their overall brand. The Huffington Post […]

7 Jan

6 Things I Learned About Sales and Marketing from a Cub Scout

By Erika Turan, APR, Senior Account Executive My son is a Cub Scout, and I’ve learned in his four years as a scout to simply not question his resolve when it comes to selling popcorn. Popcorn sales are a fall tradition for scouts. An overwhelming percentage of profits goes back to the neighborhood pack and […]

22 Dec

Winning the B2B Content Marketing Battle: Part 2

By Jimmy Caccamo, Account Associate In my last blog I discussed content marketing and how B2B companies have difficulty on the content marketing front. In order to produce great content marketing you need to set some goals. What do you wish to accomplish? Raise awareness, promote a new service, portray company culture, etc.? After you’ve […]