Category Archives: Cincinnati

15 Aug

6 Favorite Fortune Cookie Lessons …for Project Management

By Haley Taylor Project Manager I work with a brilliant group of writers and marketers at a small Cincinnati marketing agency. I am constantly searching for clever ways to communicate the work I do – the financials, metrics and project management side of the business. Upon examining the accumulated fortunes from packing two lunches five […]

20 Jun

4 More Tips to Create a Great Internship Program

By Erika Turan, APR Senior Account Executive In a previous blog, I offered four tips to create a great internship program based on the experience I’ve had supervising interns for many years. Here are four more tips: 1.Make your intern feel welcome When I was in college, I spent a semester away from my school […]

16 May
2 May

3 Reasons to Love Local News

Erika Turan Senior Account Executive Working at a Cincinnati marketing communications agency, we often find ourselves pitching stories to reporters- some are with local/regional publications, other are with national outlets and even sometimes, they are with international and/or online outlets. Reporters don’t always have it easy and the work is far from glamorous, but it […]

5 Mar
19 Oct