Tag Archives: messaging

6 Oct
22 Sep

Do Your Customers Know What They Really Want or Need?

By Lynn Corbitt, Account Executive

Have you ever created a marketing campaign that you thought was going to hit it out of the park? You were able to touch on all the benefits of your product without being too salesy, and your tone and word choice was spot-on. When you finally rolled it out, though, it fell a little flat with your audience.

14 Jul
19 Apr

How Do You Make Your Messaging Stand Out? Do Like Papa John’s

Love pizza? You’re in really good company. Three billion pizzas, or 46 slices of it are sold for every person in the country, every year. In all, 100 acres of pizza are eaten every day in the U.S. It’s a lot of pepperoni, no question, but it’s also a crowded (and competitive) field. Pizza lovers […]