23 Apr

The Art of Marketing in 140 Characters or Less

By Kasi Detmer, Account Associate

I often find myself grumbling when writing tweets for marketing clients when I’m one character over the 140 limit. “But I NEED that hashtag, I NEED that word.” The character limit is what makes Twitter so amazing and so frustrating.

Lately I’ve been fascinated by short stories that meet the 140 character limit, and put my grumblings to shame. Check out some of these stories that will curb your social media marketing whining from here on out:








Source: http://mashable.com/2012/10/31/scared-twitless-tweets/






Source: https://twitter.com/twitterfiction




Source: http://www.theguardian.com/books/2012/oct/12/twitter-fiction-140-character-novels


Do you feel inspired to write your own mini-mini novel?