8 Jan

10 New Year’s Resolutions

By Kaity Dunn, Account Associate

As we enter 2014, I thought I would share my New Year’s resolutions. Enjoy and be sure to post yours in the comments!

1. Figure out how work at my computer while standing

Becky Fickenworth places her computer on a box sometimes so she can stand while working. I need to figure out a way to stand, too, because I keep seeing articles touting the benefits of standing versus sitting while working.

2. Remember people’s birthdays and special events

I want to make a habit out of checking my calendar for people’s birthdays and special events. I think instead of spending time checking the latest Instagram photos in the morning, I could write notes to family, friends and clients for special events and birthdays. So watch out! You’ll probably get more notes from Kaity Dunn in 2014.

3. Obtain my Accreditation in Public Relations (APR)

I’ll soon enter into my third year at RMC, and having my APR will provide prospective Cincinnati clients the extra assurance that I can support them fully in all their communications and public relations needs.

4. Become more knowledgeable at HTML code

I’ve become familiar with some HTML coding while working in e-mail blast templates and posting articles on a few of our clients’ websites, and I think it would be beneficial to delve further into HTML to learn more about web formatting.

5. Attend more networking events

I frequently attended events such as The Business Courier’s BizWomen Breakfasts in 2013 and gained valuable inspiration and insight. I’d like to keep with that momentum in 2014.

6. Reach 250 Twitter followers

I have 200 followers as I’m writing this blog. Help me reach my goal by following me.

7. Increase my vocabulary

I plan on doing this by using Vocabulary.com.

8. Drink less soda, more water

I get dehydrated and shaky more often than I’d like to admit! 2014 will be a year of hydration!

9. Do the push-up challenge

Because right now I can barely do five legitimate push-ups.

10. Volunteer more:

There are opportunities to help organizations and causes with their social media presence. I hope to look into those opportunities and help where I can in 2014.

Thanks for reading! Leave your resolutions in the comment section so we can cheer each other on!



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