23 Nov

Rasor Marketing Communications Attends PRSA Awards: Round Two

By Victoria Knepp, Account Associate 

Last week, Rasor Marketing Communications attended The PRSA Blacksmith Awards, or what I’ve always called it, the Grammys of the PR world. It is a night to celebrate the best of the best in Greater Cincinnati’s public relations community, where exceptional campaigns receive recognition. Each recognition comes with a framed certificate, some a brilliant glass trophy and a round of applause from fellow friends and peers in the industry. It makes us so grateful to work in such an impactful field.

As we all sat around the table enjoying our delicious food, I took a moment to appreciate the fact that I work with some incredible people who are wildly creative and passionate about what we do. For the second year in a row now, Rasor Marketing Communications received multiple awards. This year, we were honored to receive:

Winner, Bronze Award, External Newsletter (Clermont County Transportation Improvement District)

Winner, Silver Award, Media Relations Campaign (City of Mason)

Winner, Silver Award, Micro-Blogging/ Twitter (City of Mason)

Until next time, PRSA Blacksmith Awards! We’ll see you next year.