15 Jan

Blogs. Everyone is Doing It. Even Dogs.

By Libby Esterle

Senior Account Executive

You know something is more than just a passing trend if The Disney Channel latches on it to enough to create an entire series. Case in point? The newly-aired “Dog with a Blog” show.  And not only does Stan the dog blog, he talks, too!

So, what used to be a rising trend in the world of communications is now very much mainstream.  Given that, how do you ensure that your blogs are:

A)     Attention-getting and engaging enough to actually be read?

B)     Timely and offer your reader something of value?

C)     Short enough to keep your reader interested?

From my own experience writing blogs, I’ve found that incorporating lists, tips and current topics are easy and fun ways to present thoughts and information. But don’t take my word for it, take Stan’s! Take it from social media experts who are likely a bit more familiar in the space than Stan (but maybe not quite as cute!).