12 Jul

Five Ways for Businesses to Take Instagram by Storm

With 90 million monthly active users, 40 million photos per day and 8,500 likes per second, Instagram is a gold mine for reaching brand fans and business consumers. A recent study showed 59 percent of the world’s top brands are active on Instagram. So, whether you’re just starting out or trying to rock it out, use these five tips to become InstaFamous (yes, I think that’s a thing).

  1. Gain a following.
    This is an important one to start with. There are a few easy (and free) ways to start gaining a major following on Instagram. Start by putting the Instagram icon and link on your website. Brag about yourself a bit and share that you can now get a new look at your brand on your other social profiles. Go follow industry relevant accounts. Did you get a follow? Follow that user back! Engage with the accounts you follow. Like and comment on other account’s photos, then they’re more inclined to do the same for you. Keep your account public and use industry-relevant and popular hashtags to put your content in front of users who interested in your brand or service.
  2. Share a variety of photos.
    Do just that. Share raw photos, edited photos, branded photos, a little bit of everything. Show photos of your product, your building, your employees. That last one is a must. Studies show brands that share images of their people on social media perform better than those without. These types of photos are relational and real. With all of these, make sure you’re still fitting into your brand style and personality.
  3. Use video.
    Share actual video, use Boomerang and utilize Instagram stories. Video enables you to clearly tell a story, share a live moment and give a play-by-play.People already turn to Instagram for visuals, so do them one better and give them something eye-catching and interesting to watch. The trick with videos is posting initial frames that make people stop scrolling and start watching.
  4. Have a strategy.
    Anyone in public relations and marketing knows strategy is everything. Make sure every post has a purpose. Your brand has a personality, make sure you’re conveying that personality through the photos you post, filters you use and the tone of captions you write. Think about what kind of story you want to tell with your posts. Have a unique perspective: be interesting, be amusing or be informative. Whatever you are, be strategic about it.
  5. Look at metrics.
    Don’t forget to look at what works and what doesn’t. See what kinds of posts received the most engagement and which aren’t fan favorites. Do more of what people like and alter what people didn’t like as much to incorporate some of those liked elements.

There are hundreds of other Instagram do’s and don’ts and even Instagram can help you out, but start with these five tips and you’re on your way to InstaStar status.