Public Involvement
So, you’re about to embark on a major road project. Or, maybe you’re planning new strategies to reduce sewer overflows. Does your project include Federal Highway dollars? Is it on a tight timeline? Is the community nervous about what you need to do? We’ve been there, done that… and done it again.
Our team understands the complexities of reaching out to and communicating with project area neighbors, stakeholders, interest groups and more, as well as fulfilling and documenting federally-mandated public involvement requirements (such as those specified by NEPA) to help keep projects on time and on budget. Whether you need a full-fledged program across multiple channels (website, social media, emails, direct mail, snail mail, phone tree, smoke signals, etc.) or a small group sit down with key stakeholders, we can customize a plan to fit your needs.
We haven’t met an engineer yet who’s dying to get up in front of a crowd (well maybe one, but he was an outlier), but we know how to train them to be experts at everything from staying on message when speaking at a community meeting to being calm on camera with the media.