The Client: Festo, a global leader in automation technology and technical training solutions, serving more than 35 industries in 61 countries.
The Challenge: “Since opening our North American headquarters in Mason in 2015, we realized the need to increase awareness of Festo in the region. Also, we needed to make sure people know what we do, what we offer, and why Festo is a great place to work. Plus, we needed strong connections with area schools and universities for training and recruitment.”
Our Solution: Our team did a comprehensive audit of Festo and its competitors, including a SWOT analysis and interviews with leadership and SMEs, to identify key differentiators and determine how to best position Festo throughout southwest Ohio. From our findings, we developed regional key messaging and a robust roadmap outlining editorial and community engagement opportunities to accomplish Festo’s goals.
The Results: Thanks to ongoing growth and successful talent recruitment, Festo is continuing to expand its 47-acre Mason campus in three buildings, encompassing 565,000 square feet, with plans for future development.

From tour brochure we designed.