Werk Westbourne Enhancement High Rate Treatment Facility

The Client: Black & Veatch, for the Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati (MSD)

Their Challenge: MSD is required by federal mandate to construct an Enhanced High Rate Treatment (EHRT) facility within a residential neighborhood to reduce the amount of raw sewage spilling into a local creek, and wants to minimize concerns about the new facility among residents and community members.

Our Solution: We developed and are implementing a communications strategy that focuses on educating project area neighbors and other community stakeholders about what an EHRT is, why it is needed and the benefits it offers the community. We have created and maintained a project website; prepared and distributed project newsletters; held several community meetings to discuss the facility, discuss what neighbors can expect and address questions; and keep community members informed about the project and its progress through email updates, meetings with public officials and media relations.

The Results: Residents and community officials understand the value of the project to their neighborhood and construction is currently progressing on schedule.