Jane Meyer, Project Manager

Jane’s 30+ years in the ad business includes project management, strategy development, and account planning. Offering a mix of analytical savvy and creative insight, she understands what drives consumer behavior and how to build brands people trust and love. At Rasor, Jane is focused on project management and making brands likeable and authentic.

Her career began at the creative powerhouse, Young & Laramore, when then President David Young discovered her at a collegiate advertising competition and practically hired her on the spot. Her years at Y&L taught her the importance of understanding the customer’s viewpoint in order to develop relevant and effective campaigns. She has worked at various agencies and helped produce award-winning campaigns on world-renowned brands including McDonald’s, Simon Malls, Scripps Howard, and Mayflower Transit.

At Wyndham Worldwide, she leveraged data analytics and modeling to implement successful acquisition and retention campaigns for more than two million members to achieve the highest retention rates in the company’s history. She received industry awards for marketing program effectiveness.

At the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, Jane introduced several successful initiatives– including direct mail testing, innovative advertising platforms, and expressing the value of ISO’s mission through creative storytelling.

Jane holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Journalism from Kent State University.


When did you know you wanted to work in communications?

Shopping for greeting cards when I was around 10-years old and being disappointed with the selection available. I remember thinking the layout, messaging, fonts – everything – were so lame, that I ended up designing my own.

What do you enjoy about your work?

People are exposed to thousands of messages each day. I like creating ones that rise to the top.

Best talent you’ve worked with?

We hired rapper and actor Ice-T to narrate Langston Hughes’s Ask Your Mama: 12 Moods for Jazz when I worked at the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra. Ice-T was the best!  He was so accommodating – doing promo voiceovers, attending donor parties, and visiting local schools – just a remarkably kind person.